Everybody’s got a friend who talks big about going on an online bootycall. Maybe you have a friend from college, maybe you have a friend from your fraternity days or from among your coworkers. Whatever the case may be, whenever there’s a group of guys or a group of friends, there is always one guy who has experimented with the online bootycall.
Boy, does this person have a lot to say. Either this person is the biggest fan of the online bootycall on the planet, or he could be its greatest enemy. There’s hardly any neutral territory when it comes to this type of online dating. It either brings out the most bitter hater in somebody, or it can bring out the biggest fanboy. This epic divide between supporters and critics of bootycalls online really boils down to the kind of experience they had.
It’s easy to see why the online bootycall has a lot of skeptics. They keep asking, "do the websites promising this type of action truly deliver?" Well, that’s a loaded question because usually, when critics question something, it’s because their expectations weren’t met.
Now, think about that for a second. Nowhere in that sentence did I say that a typical website promising an online bootycall doesn’t deliver. The question is whether it delivered the right kind of experience. This is the issue that you really need coming back to because it’s too easy to be distracted by a lot of the negativity out there.
You have to remember that guys who criticize online adult sex dating either have absolutely no game or they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. Either way, they end up in a bad situation and, guess what? It’s the website’s fault. It’s not their fault. It’s not the fact that they look like shit.
It’s not the fact that they don’t even bother to talk to chicks. It’s not the fact that they don’t even play the numbers game or get around to putting together a halfway decent dating profile. No, fuck all that shit. It’s the website’s fault automatically. Do you see what’s wrong with this thinking?
The bottom line is that websites promising an online bootycall are just like any other website promising a certain type of service. When you go to an essay or writing service online, chances are, only 20% of those companies or websites deliver solid value. They account for 80% of the solid value delivered in their niche. Keep this is mind. Understand that those numbers mean something. This is, of course, called the 80-20 rule.
For example, 20% of the things that you do account for 80% of your income or your results. It always breaks down that way. So don’t be surprised if the vast majority of the online bootycall websites out there flat out suck. They fail to deliver on your expectations. However, you’re prepared to get your socks knocked off by the remaining 20%. This is the 20% that delivers 80% of the satisfaction.
How do you know? Well, take a look at their database. If you notice that there are lots of women that meet your criteria in their database, chances are pretty good that that website would be able to deliver the goods. Also, when you look at how targeted that website is to a particular range of women, then this is a good sign that you might be able to get the experience that you came for.
For example, if you’re looking for short, dark skinned, exotic looking Filipinas or Southeast Asian women and you go to a website that targets that demographic, chances are pretty good that you will get what you’re looking for. Now, if you were looking for Swedish women, you probably wouldn’t go to a website that caters to men looking for Thai or Filipino women. Do you see how this works?
So it’s really important to factor all of the above to make sure that you are at the right online bootycall site. Otherwise, you’re just going to be complaining and barking up the wrong tree because you made a series of wrong.